Epoxy Floors Transform Your Garage From Eyesore to Showroom
Your garage doesn’t have to be a rough-looking, brutal space with grungy floors. With 3G Concrete Solutions’ epoxy floor system, you are 48 hours away from having a showroom-quality floor.
In two days, Orange County’s premier garage floor resurfacing company can give you a sparkling and attractive floor. It will be easy to clean and will motivate you to use the area to build, repair, and create.
Why epoxy coatings? Let’s start with the many issues of leaving concrete bare and how epoxy solves them.
Pour some water on your garage floor. Unless it is sealed you will notice that the water begins to settle into the surface. Wait long enough and the water will entirely disappear into the concrete.
Concrete looks solid, but in reality, it is a hard sponge. There are millions of pores and micro spaces within each square inch. Those open spaces pull in every liquid that ends up on top.
It will grab and hold onto:
- Oil
- Grease
- Paint
- Solvents
And once it’s in there, it’s not coming out without a lot of grinding, acids, and hard work.
Epoxy-coated floors are resistant to all of the above. Liquids stay on the surface and never penetrate into the concrete below. A simple wipe with a rag will get the most spills. Some water and elbow grease will take care of the rest. Epoxy coating can be applied to many areas in your home.
Bare concrete will never win any beauty contests. It is cold and uneven looking. And after the smallest bit of use, becomes discolored and cracked.
Epoxy coatings create a smooth, seamless look that is pleasant to the eye. They come in an infinite amount of colors and hues. Acrylic color flakes hide imperfections. And a clear top coat gives the floor a sparkling look. 3G even offers metallic finishes.
Despite its solid feel underfoot, concrete isn’t all that durable. It Doesn’t take much to chip, crack, or even dent bare concrete.
Epoxy coatings add a layer of strength and durability that stands up to vehicles and heavy equipment. With a properly installed epoxy floor, you can move heavy rolling toolboxes around, set up floor jacks, and park big rigs without worrying about leaving a permanent impression.
While it is possible to lay epoxy by yourself, the consequences of doing it wrong are huge. Cleaning up flaking and peeling DIY epoxy jobs can be as expensive as hiring pros to put it in correctly, to begin with.
In just two days 3G Concrete Solutions can transform your Orange County garage using a meticulous process that guarantees a decades-long, high-performing, and good-looking floor.
Our process includes:
- Cleaning and grinding the floor to refresh the concrete surface.
- Repairing and filling cracks.
- Laying down a primer coat that penetrates and binds to create adhesion for the next coat.
- A thick “build coat” is applied, providing the bulk of the protection.
- Acrylic paint chips are added if requested.
- A clear topcoat layer is added for additional coverage
Call us today at (714) 499-7386 to get a free, no-obligation estimate. You’ll be surprised at how inexpensive it can be to recreate your garage.